Workshop Descriptions Introductory Seminars on Shamanism This is a two hour seminar designed to give you an overall beginning to Shamanism and includes 2-3 experiential exercises. Options for other classes and trainings will be discussed. There is a $10 fee for this seminar, and you must call ahead of time to participate! Learn to Journey Workshops A shamanic journey is a meditative state of consciousness achieved by the use of rhythms such as drumbeats or rattles. This very powerful tool is available to anyone who wants it. Traditionally all of our ancestors practiced this earth-based spirituality, which we now call shamanism, and while there were certain people in a tribe or village who were designated as the "shaman" or healer, the whole tribe or village practiced shamanism. This one-day workshop will introduce you to this valuable tool, what you do with it is limitless. You may never take another course, but use this tool to help you with your own healing processes, or even help you with everyday activities such as dealing with associates at work, running your home, planting your garden, etc. Healing Stories: Discover Yours Do you feel like you have wisdom inside you just waiting to come out? Have you ever spontaneously made up a story to illustrate a point you wanted to make? This class will use Shamanic Journeying as a method to tap into your innate wisdom. You will create a story for your own healing or for the healing of others. You will access your God-given Creativity. Medicine for the Earth This is a weekend residential class, which is based on Sandra Ingerman's book by the same title. Deanna has been through teachers' training conducted by Sandra on how to present this material. This work involves transfiguring into one's divinity for the purpose of personal transformation and growth. The result is that everything around us receives healing. This work is vital to the survival of the planet and has its roots in ancient as well as modern day alchemy. Reading Sandra's book is a requirement for the course, and participants are also encouraged to visit Sandra's website prior to attending the course. Sandra proposes that we can transmute and transform environmental pollution using the spiritual methods outlined in her book. In this weekend we will work with her methods and examine the results ourselves. Drum Birthing Drum birthing means more than just "making a drum". A shamanic drum is a living being. Bringing that new being to life involves both the physical process of creating the drum's body out of wood and leather, and also using shamanic techniques to infuse the drum with the spirit that will be housed in that physical body. Soul Healing Traditional Shamanism talks about losing parts of one's Soul due to trauma, what they mean by that is that part of our essence or energy leaves when truama occurs to escape the full impact of the trauma. It is a coping mechanism. The problem is that it doesn't always come back, and most of us are walking around feeling disconnected or fragmented. It can feel sometimes as if we are watching our lives go by. In villages and tribes the Shaman or healer would go and search for the Soul Parts and bring them back to the person, this is called Soul Retrieval. In this two day workshop all the participants will receive Soul Retrievals, we will then learn shamanic journeys to help reintegrate the parts, and figure out habit patterns that formed as the result of the fragmentation. The weekend will culminate with a ceremony to break blocks that prevent us from living as fully and as creatively as possible. The intention of this workshop is that every participant feel more fully alive and present. This type of healing has a reverberation that helps to heal the fragmented planet we live on. What ever one does to heal themselves, heals the rest of creation as well. Plant Wisdom This two-day, non-residential class teaches a method of communicating with the spirits of plants for healing the spirit of others - whether our clients are people, animals, places or other plants. Rattle Birthing This is a two-day, non-residential class where participants bring into physical existence a new rattle whose spirit has eternally existed. The class is transformative for the participants as they use the metaphor of birth to make something that they can use ceremonially from that time on. Payment Information Please make all checks payable to Deanna Stennett. You can mail payment to: Chesapeake Acupuncture Center 1686 Village Green, Suite 103 Crofton, Maryland 21114 |
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