pretty leaves
One Year Program in Advanced Shamanism
taught by Deanna Stennett

An in-depth training program designed to take you beyond the weekend once in a while type of shamanism into the realm of shamanism as a way of life - a series of initiatory exercises designed to stretch you. Those without previous experience might be interested in the introductory class.
some peruvian shamans

overview schedulethe teacher introductory class drumming group send email

Overview of One-Year program in Advanced Shamanism
In this program we will explore
• different techniques of entering non-ordinary reality
• many healing techniques
• soul retrieval
• the value of ceremony and ritual
• making masks and drums, and empowering them
• and other advanced topics in shamanism

The number of participants will be limited and will be accepted on a first come first served basis. You will need to submit a $75 deposit along with your application to hold your space (to obtain an application, please send email to Deanna Stennett.) If you are not accepted into the program, your deposit will be returned to you. Once you are accepted the deposit is non-refundable and will be applied to the cost of the program.

Because of the nature of going deeper with spirit, and for the sake of continuity in this training group, it is imperative that all participants make a committment to attend each weekend session (see schedule), do the homework and practices between sessions, and attend a drumming group at least once a month throughout the duration of the program.

The program will consist of six weekend sessions (about once every two months), beginning March 1, 2002. Each session will cost $275, which includes room, board and teaching for that weekend. The total cost for the year is $1650. Once accepted, the fee for the first and last sessions, which is $475 ($550 minus the $75 deposit), is due by January 31, 2002. After this, the fee for each of the following weekends will be due 30 days prior to the the session. Please make all checks payable to Deanna Stennett.

Two of the weekends will be camping weekends. If you have medical reasons which prevent you from camping, you may sleep indoors on the floor of the meeting room where we will be working. For the camping weekends you need to furnish your own camping equipment such as tents and sleeping bags. We will also be using the sweat lodge on those weekends.

Mail completed applications, along with $75 application fee to Deanna Stennett, 2200 Defense Highway Suite 100B Crofton MD 21114. Make checks payable to Deanna Stennett.

overview schedulethe teacher introductory class drumming group send email