pretty leaves
Two-Year Advanced Training in Shamanism
This page was updated on October 18, 2007
taught by Deanna Stennett
Applications still being accepted!
There is a new class forming now. The first class meeting will be the weekend of March 28 - 30, 2008.
Schedule and fees for next advanced class

This is an in-depth training program, which will meet eight times over the course of two years. The design of the program is to take the participant beyond the "weekend-once-in-a-while" type of shamanism to practicing shamanism as a way of life. The exercises are initiatory and intentionally "stretch" perceived limitations. Because of the nature of going deep with spirit and for the sake of the continuity of the community, it is imperative that you make a commitment to attend each weekend; do the assigned homework and practices between sessions; and that you attend a drumming/journey group at least once a month between sessions.
some peruvian shamans
If you are reading this and are interested in this program, but have not had any specific "shamanic" training before, read on. While it is important to know how to do a "shamanic journey," extensive shamanic training isn't required if you already have other types of "spiritual" training or practices. This advanced training program is for those who are adept in spiritual work and the skill of "journeying" can be acquired in several ways. You could attend an introductory course in shamanic journeying, or you could schedule a couple of private sessions with a shamanic practicioner to learn to journey. The most important prerequisite is familiarity with working with spirit.

Overview of the two-year program in Advanced Shamanism

In this program we will explore, among other topics:
• different techniques of entering non-ordinary reality
• many healing techniques
• soul retrieval
• soul retrieval
• the value of ceremony and ritual
• making masks and drums, and empowering them
• psychopomp work
• transmutation work for the purpose of healing the planet

The number of participants will be limited and will be accepted on a first come first served basis. To obtain an application, please send email to Deanna Stennett.

Shamanism is community oriented and can be viewed as "village medicine". A village "shaman" went to the same watering hole or fishing hole or market place as his or her "clients" and "students." The shaman was part of the community and his or her job was no more or less important than the other members of the community. As members of this training program we will become a community, and will likely remain connected in some way long after the program is complete. It is very important to recognize that joining this program means working with others in the community, and being part of the community.

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